2009年10月16日 星期五

IT 其實好折墮

轉貼文章,唔知大家知唔知,但係真係好真呀!! 某些地方稍加補充。


1. 讀書量認真的話可以同醫科比,知識更新率應是所有科目之冠。

2. 功課量最多。

3. 投資極大,書超貴,考試更貴。


1. 失業日子多過返工。

2. 返工極驚失業,毫無職業保障。

3. OT 極嚴重。

4. 領取比保安員還低的薪金。(保安市價 6500 、每日工時十二小時,高級保安 7500


1. 科網泡沫爆破後,社會開始歧視 IT 人。

2. 所有人都認為託 IT 人幫手檢查或提供其他服務,是無義務付錢的,因為 IT人的知識只是清潔工人的價錢,難道你託朋友幫你丟垃圾也要付錢?

3. IT 人是不需要私人時間的,俗稱所謂朋友的社會人士會託你幫手 format windows重裝,一般需時一個下午,佢會叫你做,然

4. IT 人的職責是所有有電的物件的保養維修。


1. 到你老左,business knowledge 又無,technical skills 又 outdate。做 sales人地話你樣殘,做 low level 工作人地又會覺得你太 smart。

2. 同親戚講你做 IT 佢地覺得你下年都唔知仲有無得撈,只係會叫你幫佢買電腦

3. 成日 OT,連同朋友的共同嗜好都無埋,莫講話識新女,六親都無埋。

4. 個人太 outgoing,太 fashionable 老細覺得你唔會坐係度專心做 program / support。要夾硬迫自己變"柒"。

5. 無機會學好英文或者普通話。只係會用 Technical English。

6. 講野成日 if then else while for,係朋友都怕左你。你自己仲以為自己好醒,好 logic。

7. IT人不會同其他 IT人比較能力同人工。只會比較大家的 contract period 有幾長同放工時間。早放工的 IT 人會覺得自己好自豪。

8. 你做緊重要 project 時,老細會當你係神,你仲可以惡過 D top sales。但係無 bonus,無職升。但係一做完同啲 code stable 時,一個唔覺意,你自己的工作就會 shift左被人 maintain ,可能係一個能力、學歷都比你低的人。咁你可能要搵定後路。

9. 眼見其他老同事一個個被踢走,工作俾左你。仲有一 D 平價新人上位,老細喜歡助長佢地氣燄,等佢地以為自己好受重用去咬你。你覺得你自己是一隻衰老中的雞。

10. 你做到野,同其他行業唔同。老細唔會覺得你有能力去 lead 其他人,就算你有,都驚你跟緊個 system 會死。情願用個外來人做你阿頭。

總之,當你見到你的同行一個一個咁陣亡,但係你仲有得做,就算老細 "lum" 你,你都會開始懷疑自己仲可以做幾耐。呢種心理感覺同壓力,就算是無間道的秋生去扮演,佢無辨法俾到戲你,因為佢未做過 IT。做到的,肯定可以成為影帝。

2009年10月8日 星期四






source from "http://www.hk-luyi.com/message/38.htm"




世上的人往往把心住在相對的事相上,所以得不到快樂,他們不懂得有相的各種人、事、物,都是在變幻中,《八大人覺經》中云,我們住的國土非常危脆,人是無法掌握得住的,遇到有變時,不能接受,產生種種煩惱,種種的苦。其實面對各種無常變幻時,解決的辦法,就是要知道怎樣去面對他,不是去埋怨為何會發生在我身上。有智慧的人,懂得運用平常心,對事情的看法換個方向,從另一個角度去觀察、去理解,就可能會轉化惡境。人如果不能掌握自己的心,縱使擁 有世間所追求的東西,也不能心安自在,不但苦味無窮,還因自己的愚癡帶來煩惱,也為他人製造煩惱,不斷在種惡因,在推動惡性的循環。故此我們如何過得快樂自在呢?佛陀曾苦口婆心教導我們:「萬法唯心」之道理,用這個方法來改造思想,因為苦與樂,只有一念之隔。

source from "http://www.hk-luyi.com/message/45.htm"

勵志故事 - 心境

有位太太請了一位油漆匠到家裡粉飾牆壁,油漆匠走進門看到她的丈夫雙目失明,頓時流露出憐憫的目光, 可是男主人卻非常開朗樂觀,所以油漆匠在這家工作的幾天裡, 他們談得很投契,油漆匠也從來沒有提及男主人的生理缺憾,油漆匠粉飾完牆壁,取出賬單遞給那位太太,那位太太接過來一看, 發現比談妥的價錢打了一個很大的折扣。


油漆匠對她丈夫的推崇,使她流下了眼淚,因為 ...... 這位慷慨的油漆匠只有一隻手!


而態度即會決定命運 !!


要常常保持心境開朗 , 將眼光放遠一點 , 遇到挫折亦不要氣餒 , 一切以平常心處理 .

如果您許久沒有大笑 , 又感不到快樂 , 時常不開心 ... ...

請記住快樂的秘訣 :

知足常樂 - 常為所有而喜 , 不為所無而憂 ;

自得其樂 - 永遠面對太陽 , 陰影總在身後 ;

助人為樂 - 施比受更幸福 , 分享才是快樂 .

不知您看了之後 , 心境如何?

TIA 係咩呀?

我唔知咩叫 TIA, 但係因為我媽媽有中風先兆,又有個朋友的醫生朋友佢睇完呀媽個 REPORT 和 CT SCAN,就話應該係 TIA。 咁TIA 係咩呢? 原來係"中風先兆" 一定要好小心 TAKE CARE 先得。


What is TIA?

TIA represents temporary stroke warning symptoms. A stroke can be impairment of sensation, level of consciousness, balance, or voluntary motion caused by a rupture or obstruction of an artery in the brain. In short: a stroke is a brain attack. TIA is not a full-blown stroke, but mimics one.

Dr. John Y. Choi, former assistant professor of neurology and director of Neurorecovery at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston compares TIA to “angina of the brain.” He explains, “Angina involves chest pains without an immediate heart attack that, as yet, causes no permanent damage. TIA similarly has the earmarks of a stroke without the permanent damage a stroke causes.”

The good news: TIA symptoms go away. The bad news: TIA patients are the highest risk group for having a stroke. TIA symptoms typically last for only a few minutes to 24 hours at most, although this old-fashioned definition is likely to be revised to reduce TIA duration to minutes or very few hours.


TIA can present with any of a number of symptoms. Among them:

  • Loss of vision
  • Double vision
  • Sudden confusion
  • Trouble speaking or making others understand your speech
  • Slurred speech
  • Muscle weakness, usually isolated, and confined to one side of the body
  • Facial weakness
  • Trouble with coordination
  • Balance difficulty
  • Sudden numbness in arm, leg or face, also usually on one side of body only
  • Vertigo
  • A sudden severe headache

Who Will Have a TIA?

Prime candidates for TIA may be persons who:

  • Have elevated blood pressure
  • Unchecked high cholesterol
  • Are obese
  • Have diabetes (blood sugar) management problems
  • Drink alcohol to excess
  • Smoke
  • Suffer from atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat starting in the atrium chamber)
  • Lack of exercise
  • Have a family history of some of these conditions
  • New finding: a person who has had estrogen/progesterone therapy for over five years is at increased risk for stroke.

What to Do if You Suspect a TIA

“Don’t call a family member or your doctor. Call 911 immediately,” says Dr. Lise A. Labiche, a Cerebrovascular Disease Fellow at the UT Medical School and a member of STAT (Stroke Treatment Team). “The ambulance personnel will notify the hospital that you are on the way, emergency healthcare providers can start to work the instant you arrive.”

Don’t Reach for the Aspirin

Labiche cautions that you should not immediately take an aspirin. The stroke team may give you one later when it determines that your episode is a non-bleeding stroke. Most often, if symptoms last longer than one to two hours, a stroke has occurred rather than a TIA. Aspirin would only increase the bleeding if you are having a hemorrhagic or bleeding stroke. She adds, “There is no proof that taking aspirin immediately improves blood flow to the brain.”

What Happens in the ER?

Upon arrival to the ER, the stroke team orders a CT-scan to screen the brain tissue for any evidence of new or old strokes. The only FDA- approved treatment for non-bleeding strokes is TPA, which is effective when given within three hours of symptom onset.

After this factor is ruled out, the patients may be admitted to the hospital where they receive other imaging tests, possibly including magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Doppler and EKG.

The MRI looks at the brain tissue in more detail than the CAT scan. MRA checks blood vessels in the brain to make sure they are not severely narrowed or blocked. The EKG (electrocardiogram) is an electrical recording of the heart that investigates for heart disease. A Doppler test addresses the carotid artery to see if it is narrowing.

Now for the Bad News

A person having suffered a TIA is much more likely to have another TIA, a full-blown stroke, or heart attack. Choi says that one in 10 patients will suffer another TIA or stroke during the 90 days after the first TIA. Over a three-year period, such a patient will have a 25 percent risk of a stroke.

If any signs of TIA are suspected in someone who has previously been diagnosed with the disorder, they should go immediately to the emergency room, preferably in a hospital that has a stroke team. Choi cautions that if the carotid artery becomes blocked, then surgery may be indicated. “We do a study of the heart with ultrasound and telemetry since we know that, under certain conditions, the heart can cause strokes by clot formation.”

Source from "http://www.healthleader.uthouston.edu/archive/Stroke/2003/tia-0724.html"